Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Divine Workplace

What we do for a living does not define who we are. We are that which brings us joy. Let’s find what brings us joy; family, art, music, science or whatever, and be that. Until we find a way to make money at what we enjoy, we can find joy in what we do to make money. What ever we do, by finding joy in doing it, we find we like it better. In an office, a factory, a classroom or at home, what we do is temporary. How we do it determines who we chose to be.

God is everywhere, including the work place. I am a part of the company where I work, just as I am a part of the Whole. I represent both and they represent me. How can we feel we are separate from any part of life, much less our chosen occupation? The work we do reflects who we are. Engineering, manufacturing, sales or service; each offers different challenges and opportunities. The greatest opportunity of any work place is to practice spiritual development, by acting for the highest good at all times.

I am a writer. It brings me joy. I am a salesman. It is the work I do for income. I find joy in my work, by seeing it as a field where I am able to practice and exercise my spiritual beliefs. Here I am writing (which I love to do) about the joy I find in what I do (for a living). Finding joy in what I do makes my job better for me, the company and the customers.

We all spend much of our lives competing for energy and attention. ‘Sales’ is a very competitive field. Competition motivates self and others. Motivation comes from inspiration. Without motivation, inspiration is just thought. Inspiration is the creative idea. Motivation is the act of following through. Just like a sport, different people have different qualities that make them successful at what they do. When we see our work in perspective with who we are, the way we work creates the person we become. Pressure to compete for success can challenge one’s ethics. Success can be measured with earthly or spiritual barometers. When we strive for the higher good, we find greater joy in the material gain.

Ethics -- The virtues of Competition

Practicing virtues and ethics at work develops them in our personal life. Every interaction we have with another person is an opportunity to improve ourselves. These opportunities come from customers, coworkers and venders. The choices we make through out our work day make us who we are. When we do what is right, there is no need to rationalize our choices.

     Honesty- Think, Speak and Act with Integrity.

     Respect- Help others
     Appreciate- Challenges/Opportunities

     Faith- Infinite Source. There is enough for all.
     Acceptance- Those who play by different rules
     Forgiveness- ‘Letting go’ of mistakes or bad choices